What an eventful first month!

Here's some red eggs for everyone, remember to send your red packets!! Enough eggs for all? Nevermind, just in case.
An introduction for all of you who might find out about this!I'm nerdblogger aka Princess Sophia in this blog, together with me is absentminded.me aka King Arthur. Well, a month ago I was saved by King Arthur, just like any King who saved the damsel in distress, that's why she's the King and I'm the Princess ::blink blink:: (pretty me~~!!).
And now King Arthur is angry with me for writting all these craps and proceed on to file her nails, what a vain King. Oh, if you are wondering why we are calling ourselves King Arthur and Princess Sophia, that's seriously none of your buisness!! ;p Anyway, here's some other name we call ourself, she's pi and I'm sai (read: pi sai [the one inside your nose]), can't think of others right now will update again on it.
A little background review about us, we are two crazy people who live to irritate each other life, turning each other life upside now. Currently, I think I'm the person who is winning but occasionally she spontateously do something that just trip me off the edge then I have collect back my ego and start irritating her again. See!! She just took $50 from my wallet and add into her collection!! Damn!!! She's going to get it big time later!
I think I leave the rest of introduction to her..............................