Wednesday, June 11, 2014

was reading my wife is not the same woman that i married from the matt walsh blog.
its sad to think that there are people out there who think that they should not stay in a marriage if they are miserable. i think is all right that a person feels miserable with a abusive or cheating spouse and gets divorce fearing for his/her life, but other than that, i do not think is all right to get a divorce at all. after all, what God has joined together, let no one separate.

it is true that no one plans on getting a divorce but some can someone plan to have no changes in their life at all? and gets divorce over that?

i have been married even for a shorter period than the author of that blog - just slight over the two years mark. i have never been in a miserable marriage, or maybe it have not reach the point yet. hehehe. so maybe i am even "younger" to understand and should not be talking so much about miserable marriages and divorce. but after having kid changes many things. opinions changes. priorities changes. life changes.

there are times i just cannot understand why the hubs and i cannot even agree on a simple thing for buggy. maybe we are too different after all. it disturbs me and keeps me up at night thinking of ways out. truthfully, divorce is in the thoughts too and we talk about it.

but then i do realise that this is a steep learning-curve in our marriage - we are learning to make decisions as parents. we have changed to become parents for our little girl. we both adore her so much that we only want the best for her in our own ways. we just have to find the balance in keeping all the three of us happy and keep reminding ourselves of that.

Sometimes she laughs at things that used to make her angry, and gets angry at things that used to make her laugh. Sometimes I can read her like a book, but sometimes she wears an expression I’ve never seen. Sometimes she smiles like the world is telling a joke that only she understands.
I’m learning her, and I’ll never finish studying her book because she’s always adding new pages.
She’s not the same as she was when I married her, but that’s OK because I didn’t marry “the person she was.” I married her — Alissa, the woman, the being, the body and soul. I married the totality of her, which means I married her changes, not just that one, single, momentary version of her that walked down the aisle in that church in Ocean City three years ago.
Do I have a romantic idea of marriage? Sure, but marriage is a romantic idea, isn’t it? It’s not a fairy tale, but it is something supernatural and exciting.

i like these paragraphs. marriage is indeed a romantic idea because when only when you are in one, you realised how not romantic a marriage can be. but the romance is kept alive by how you treat each other. and a wedding can be fairy tale like but a marriage is not, it needs real work to keep it going.

its also true, like what the author says, that it all easy to write and say and hard to do. but i do share the same feel about being with the hubs' partner. i always want to be his witness to his life. thats why i always want to be in the loop with his current affairs. but that the story for another day.

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