Monday, December 07, 2015



Wednesday, November 25, 2015

went to a mall on sat to run some errands.
the hubs and i were walking past a perfume/jewellery shop and the shopkeeper said to him, 來! 買給你女朋友!

i did not know that 未婚先子 is so common now.... (-_-")
and obviously the hubs could not stop laughing...

Friday, November 20, 2015

christmas wishlist.

dear princess,

i have decided what i want for christmas this year..
and i only have one item...

the 1,111 carat diamond recently discovered in Africa.
so pretty right?

before you accuse me of being greedy, i am NOT!
this is not a largest diamond in the world.
its just the second largest and it is 3 times smaller than the largest 3,106-carat Cullinan diamond.

anyway, i am very cin-cai, no need to wrap also ok since it is such an odd size item... :)

your wife.


Monday, October 05, 2015

i think the hubs is trying to '气' me.

we were chatting about promotions and increments the other day.
i was telling him that i am hoping for a promotion soon so that my increment can be more "significant"..

then he matter-of-factly said, promotion is just a title, would rather remain the same and not get any promotions.

so what title are you now?

my in progress promotion is for AD lor.


Saturday, October 03, 2015

if I can carry my own bag, why does my husband need to carry your bag for you?

he is my husband.
if he is to carry any bag, it should be my bag cus he is MY hubs. MINE.
its mine and only mine privilege to have him carry my bag.
if you want him to carry your bag too. ask me. cus he is MY hubs.

i am obsessive.
i know.
and it is not too late for you to know too.

Monday, July 21, 2014

le hubs woke up late for work today and i asked him if it was his alarm.

he promptly replied that our little girl forget to wake him up and asked me whats wrong with her, why she never wake him up..... -_-"

Monday, July 07, 2014

was on the train on the way to meet the hubs to go home together. why? let's just say i am paranoid.

anyway, there was this girl having an argument with her boyfriend on the phone. a topic close to my heart - the boyfriend is late, again

the lines that she said, i swear she stole them from me.. 

"why am i always the one waiting!!"
"you mean my time is not worth anything?!" 
"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? you are late and you find it funny!?" (hahaha.. i am laughing while typing this.. really sounds funny hor) 

and she gave the ultimatum like i always did.. "you better be here by 710 and i don't care how!"
i really hate waiting. i feel it's a waste of my time. really. and its even worst when waiting on with a hungry stomach.. i am not talking about a five-ten minutes wait. i am talking about more than an hour wait.. wait that happens even after shopping finished the whole mall and i am still waiting that kind of wait.. and sometimes, wait until he dont even appear :(
yah. those kind of wait.. and these do not happen like once a blue moon. it does not happened only once a blue moon. so i totally can understand how she felt. 

so how? 
i charged the time spend waiting and i charged $50 per 15-min block. 
i will used his card to get myself a nice pair of shoes usually and the time left after, i will go for a drink. so lets say he is late for an hour, i have $200 to spent! good right! but i quite nice also lah, i will usually give 15mins grace. =)

so this way, my time is not "free" and i have things to do! i can shop with my own money, but how can i be using my money to shop while he is late! like that is super lugi one lor.

anyway, now we are not dating anymore so such times are once a blue moon and today is the blue moon - i am waiting for the hubs to get off work.. so how much can i earn today? so exciting!